Rahul Dhangar

I breathe WordPress. I never get bored while creating classes & objects in Java. Don't take me literally when I say I'm a MEAN dev ;)

New Delhi, India
Available for hire

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

This is a working sample of an Address Book Library using a custom MVC framework
This repo is a collection of codes to learn MQL4 language for MT4 platform
MQL4 3 2
This repo is for practicing the concept I try in day-to-day programming challenges
JavaScript 0 1
some random notes on random subjects pertaining (but not limited to) software development.
Personal repo to dump some JavaScript code chunks for practice purposes
Recipe App API built using python, django REST framework, PostgreSQL, docker & Test driven development
This is my personal cheat-sheet repo for WordPress stuffs.

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.


Web design